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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sen Loren Legarda: 'I cast my lot with Manny Villar'

Senator Loren Legarda called herself "Villar's other half" as she announced Tuesday that she will vie for the country's second highest position.

“We believe we can make a difference in the lives of Filipinos. That is why today, in declaring my intention to vie for vice presidency in May 2010, I offer myself to the Filipino people as other half to the tandem that seeks a new beginning for the Filipino nation,” Legarda said.

“In this afternoon, on this glorious afternoon, I cast my lot with Manny Villar.
I believe our partnership will ensure a new beginning for all the Filipino people,” she added.

“I cite all these…only to underscore the fact that Manny Villar and I have worked hard to be where we are now. Manny and l have experienced the same hardships in life,” said Legarda.

If we remember, Sen Legarda ran for vice presidency in 2004 elections but lost to now Vice-President Noli de Castro.


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